Brie Croquettes with Bloody Mary Dipping Sauce

Croquettes Ingredients

  • 1 200 gm Unicorn Double Cream Brie

  • 1 1/2 Cups of plain flour

  • 1 1/2 cups of bread crumbs

  • 2 Eggs

  • 1 Lt Frying Oil of choice

Dipping Sauce Ingredients

  • 1 small onion, finely chopped

  • 1/2 cup vodka (optional)

  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

  • 2 teaspoons hot chilli sauce (optional)

  • 1 cup tomato passata

  • Salt and pepper



  • Cut cheese into wedges, place on baking paper and chill in freezer while preparing the dipping sauce.

  • For Dipping sauce: Heat a small saucepan over medium heat. Add oil and onions and saute 5 minutes. Add vodka and reduce by 1/2. Add Worcestershire, hot chilli sauce and tomato pasta. Stir to combine the dipping sauce and return the sauce to a bubble. Add salt and pepper for taste. Set aside to cool.

  • Brie Croquettes: Heat Oil in a high saucepan or deep fryer. Prepare the flour, breadcrumbs and 2 beaten eggs in separate bowls. Remove chilled Brie from freezer. Coat a brie wedge in the flour, then coat in egg and into the breadcrumbs, back into the egg and again in the breadcrumbs. Repeat until all the Brie wedges are ready. Test heat of oil and gently place the coated brie into the oil until golden brown.

  • Remove from oil and arrange on a platter with the Bloody Mary dipping sauce. Serve while still warm.

Caution: Cheese will be melted on the inside and very hot!


Double Brie or Camembert served with Fresh Poached Fruits & Lavosh Crackers


Creamy Camembert Comfort Food